Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Coffee Can Christmas Decorations and More

If you drink a lot of coffee you can go through those tin cans quickly. Do you ever save them in case you think of something you can do with them? If so, gather them all up now. Youll be back to no empty coffee cans in the cupboard once you see how many things you can make for Christmas! Remove the lid from a coffee tin and save it for a future project. Use hot glue to attach a long piece of ribbon or twine to the inside, upper edges to use for a handle. This will hold lightweight items, but if you need a sturdier handle, punch holes in the sides and thread the cord through them. Tie a knot in each end. Place tissue paper inside so that the ends of it stick out and above the can. Fill with candy, gift cards, small toys and similar things. You can make the can so that it contains all things with a particular theme, like all things for a kitchen, or you can just put random gifts inside. Any recipient will love it! Use a coffee can to make a Christmas planter. Wrap the tin with red felt, velvet or fake fur. Cut a rectangle of black felt, fur or even vinyl. Wrap it around the can to make a belt. Glue on a painted piece of cardboard or other buckle. The red Santa pants can is a cute way to display poinsettias or even serve snacks on a stick.

Make pedestals for your dinner table by choosing cans of different sizes or all the same. Wrap each one in identical fabric or cover each coffee tin with a different type of material. Turn these upside-down and place a platter or plate on them. This is a great way to place some foods higher than others on a crowded food table. To help the trays stay in place you can use pieces of double-sided tape to secure them. Give each one an elegant touch by tying a bow around the middle.

Use coffee cans to make stands for Christmas candles. Use large cans for giant pillar candles or smaller coffee tins for votives. Wrap each one with Christmas cloth then turn them upside-down. If you want, paint the bottoms of the cans gold or even glue on a circle of fake fur to cover the actual bottom of the coffee can. Use a drill or a hammer and nail to punch out a pattern on a coffee can. Make something simple, like a star shape or tree outline, then use the drill or nail to punch holes in the outline. First, cover the can with cloth or paper. Make the holes then set a candle - in a candle holder - inside the can. These look beautiful on a deck, steps or porch. Use a coffee can of any size to make a Christmas card holder. Wrap ribbon or yarn, round and round the can, until its completely covered. Start at the top edge, go down, across the bottom, and back up. Continue doing this, scooting over a little after each wrap, until the entire can is covered. Turn it upside-down then slide cards under individual strings or ribbons. Align the ribbon so it goes down the center fold of the card and the coffee tin can hold many cards at one time. Never throw away an empty coffee tin because there are just so many things you can do with them. Decorate them, use stickers to spell out a word or phrase, and set them anywhere in the home. Or, make homemade cookies, put them in a decorated coffee tin, and give them as a gift!

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