Monday, November 19, 2012

How to Play the "Song Titles" Game

Looking for a new game to play at parties? Tired of the drawing games, guessing games and similar entertainment? If you consider yourself knowledgeable about songs, and you have friends who feel the same way about themselves, you can have a lot of fun at a party or get-together. With five or more people you can play a game that will keep you on your toes! The "Song Titles" game functions on a simple concept. As the game proceeds the players can only say song titles. To start the game youll need to select someone to be the "judge". This person must be knowledgeable about songs and must be able to quickly recognize if a player says something thats not an actual song title. The judge will start the game, call players out, and call the game when its over.

Besides the judge you need at least 4 players. The players stand in two separate lines and the first two players start the game. One of the two initial players begins by saying a song title. The other one, in turn, says the name of a song title. The conversation goes back and forth between the two players until one of them says something that isnt a song title. When this happens, the judge will say "out" or can use a bell to notify the person to go to the back of the line.

The object of the game for the actual players is to attempt to carry on a semi-reasonable conversation while speaking only in song titles. Just throwing random songs out isnt exactly playing fair. For example, if a player says to you "Do You Know The Way To San Jose?" you cant just say "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". You have to make an attempt to carry the conversation, however ridiculous it becomes. However, it can be very difficult to think of responses that are song titles so the strictness of this stipulation should be decided upon before the game begins. Silly conversations ensue and provide tons of laughter. Some people get confused, with the conversation going rapidly back and forth, and mention a lyric from the song rather than the song title itself. The judge can call "out" and even clarify, if he wants, that the player is out because the spoken words were lyrics rather than titles. He can do this by simply saying "lyric". As one person is called out the next one in his line steps up to the plate. When hes called "out" he goes to the back of the line. Besides having to talk only in song titles each player must also say a song title within a certain amount of time, like 5 seconds. The judge will decide if the player is taking too long and call him "out". Set a timer at the beginning of the game, and when it goes off, the game is over. The last person standing wins. At the judges discretion the game can be called several seconds early. With two people still on stage, there wont be a defined winner, so the judge can call the game when one person is called out and there is less than a minute left in the game. The game, although simplistic, is a lot of fun. Play with just a few people or with a crowd. The unusual game is a fun way to entertain friends at most any party. Play it at the office or at home. Play with adults or let kids play the game together. Its hysterical!

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